Education and Training
Did you know? The prestigious schools in Vaud provide youngsters with access to high-quality education and attract students and researchers from all over the world.
Internationally recognised academic excellence
Vaud inhabitants are offered high-quality training options in the canton’s prestigious schools that attract countless students from all the world to the shores of Lake Geneva. In all, the Canton of Vaud has no fewer than 14 universities in all fields.
The freedom to achieve begins at school
In Lausanne, the capital of Vaud, there are four universities and schools of international renown: The Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), The University of Lausanne (UNIL), The Hospitality Business School (EHL) and The International Institute for Management Development (IMD).

The schools in the HES-SO network, including HEIG-VD and ECAL, offer a wide range of courses focusing on applied research. Four of the world’s top ten hotel schools are also based in Glion, Leysin, Montreux and Caux. There are many other institutions in the region, including several private institutes.
Major economic impact
Another advantage is that the Vaudois universities contribute to the canton’s economy as well as to the country’s, by generating substantial revenues.
According to an EPFL study, the country’s second polytechnic school contributed CHF 5.8 billion to the Swiss economy in 2021, of which CHF 4 billion to the canton of Vaud.

Would you like to find out more about the range of courses available?
You can view the official pages of l’État de Vaud (in French).